Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Hey wats up and welcome to another episode of my fckd up skool life :) Well today is another one of those boring slow rainy days and i am so happy because the girls at my skool are finally wearing some god damn clothes (only because they are scared of the rain) lol but anyways this week we are testing and i am so scared because i dont want to be in the 7Th grade again :( well i gtg because i am not supposed to be on here and well my teacher is coming so i gtg.
Oh yeah i want to give a shout out to all the hoes and sluts : put some god damn clothes on well bye!!!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Yes i am so glad that today is friday and i don't have to see the sluts and whores of my skool for two long fun relaxing days.
Today wasd a hrooible day we had an awards assembly and boy was it boring here are the things we did
  • listened to the annoying ugly ass teachers talk and the same peolpe get awards
  • i drew a pretty picture so i wouldnt fall asleep
  • to bad i was sleep half of it
  • i got kicked out of the assembly bc i was talking
  • i went to explore the hall and i saw this cute boy
  • oh yeah and then i skiped a class

See i had a lot of fun at my Fucked up Skool Life

Feel free to write about your skool life i would love to here how ur day was gtg ttly :)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Hey and welcome to my fckd up skool life here are somethings you need to know about my fckd up life

  1. I go to Mayport Fuckin Middle Skool
  2. There are a lot of sluts and bitches there
  3. The teachers are literally sacred of the students lol
  4. And finally the lunch is horrible

So yeah feel free to talk about ur skool

5. Oh yeah i forgot . . . . no one ever follows the dress code so if you come here you will definitely see a lot of dirty little nasty HOES and SLUTS lol lol lol